Angelic Reiki for Postpartum Healing
Reiki energy healing is gentle, nurturing, and supportive. Exactly what us mothers need after the intensity of birth.
If you've just given birth you're likely riding the rollercoaster of emotions whilst navigating a whole new way of life. Whether you're a first time mum like myself or you have multiple children, it's a whole new world afterbirth.
Reiki energy healing can
- Soothe physical pain and tension
- Ease a busy mind, offering relaxation and peace
- Nurture you physically, emotionally, spiritually
- Assist in balancing emotions and hormones
- Help in healing any trauma experienced during birth
- Offer a safe space for you to go within, feel any repressed emotions so that they can be expressed and released, leaving you feeling lighter and at ease.
What is Reiki?
Reiki in my experience is the ability to become a channel or vessel for high frequency Universal energy to move through the practitioner into the client. This energy is focused through intention and moves to the areas it needs to, to offer healing, clearing, and insights. Reiki is a powerful energetic medicine offered from Source/The Universe/The Divine to the client at the level they are ready for.
Angelic Reiki
I myself work with Angelic Reiki, in which I become a channel, an empty vessel, connect with Source, and call forth the most perfect Angelic being for the individual I am working with. Myself, the client and the angelic being(s) first become one allowing high frequency, crystalline energy to flow through me into my client, swirling through and around the client. You will feel this instantly. Sometimes it's just one being that comes through or multiple, they move around you as they need to, offering healing energy where it is needed. Intention focuses this energy and the angels work with you towards your intention.
My birth didn't quite go to plan... As the journey unravelled it came to a turning point where I went into hospital and had an emergency c-section. I felt defeated, ripped off, angry, disappointed, sad, hurt, alone, unsupported, violated, and weak... I had this beautiful little boy in my arms but it didn't stop the overwhelming emotions dragging me down.
I knew that I had the tools and the ability to heal myself and carry myself through this challenging time but just given birth I was in no state to move in this direction, at least not right away. So I did what I could, I connected with the Angels and asked they help me through this time but I also sought external support from wise women to assist in the healing support I needed.
These past few months have been an emotional rollercoaster but having regular Angelic Reiki healing, breathwork, and sound healing, as well as a supportive community has been so helpful to get me through. There were days when I just didn't know how I was going to continue on, I am so grateful for the support I have been able to give myself, support from my partner, friends and family, and the wise women. I thank you.
I am here to let you know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! And whether you have just given birth yourself or are experiencing other challenges in your life, I am here to help and support you in any way I can. Just reach out!
Read more about my birth story below.
Work With Me
Angelic Reiki
Online & In person sessions
30 minutes | $50
60 minutes | $90
Email me to book an appointment
Find out what else I offer here
My Birth Story
Let me start by saying my birth didn't go to plan... I know many of you can relate.
Birth is spontaneous. It's not something you can plan every detail of. You can have ideas, set intentions, visualise, say your affirmations, read birth stories, you can plan for different scenarios. But at the end of the day you just don't know how it's all going to go until it's unfolding in front of you.
Part of me was aware of this and I had different ideas of how it could go and how I wanted it to go but looking back I was definitely a little ignorant, I would remind myself "it may not go to plan" but my ego was saying "Nah I know how this is going to play out"... But I really didn't. There were so many voices telling me what I should do, what they're opinions were, asking questions about my pregnancy, birth plans, and it all just felt really invasive and inappropriate. Pregnancy and birth is SO PERSONAL! I just wanted to run away and hide so I could have some peace and quiet and enjoy the remainder of my pregnancy.
The day was approaching and I felt excited and ready. Six days after my "due date" the birth began... I got my first contraction at midnight, I was pretty certain it was a contraction but being my first birth I wasn't 100% sure so I went to sleep, taking the advice I had received to rest up at the beginning of labour to ensure I had plenty of energy for the birth ahead. I had a few contractions throughout the night but was able to get a good sleep, I awoke about 7am and at this point was sure it was starting. I waddled to the shower, had some breakfast, and started to prepare my room.
I had been planning to free birth as I couldn't find a midwife I resonated with locally and I had had some troubles with a couple of the midwives in town which led to me feeling quite uncomfortable working with anyone in the area. I did an online free birthing course and felt confident I could do it, after all my body is designed to birth a baby.
I rode the waves of the contractions which were accompanied by terrible back pain, indicating he was posteriorly positioned. The back pain was worse than the contractions but I breathed through, listening to positive birth affirmations and reminding myself I could do this. 20 hours later, fear began to arise, and all of a sudden the labour slowed and the contractions subsided. I felt momentarily restful and tired. Drifting into a light sleep state, I awoke confused, what's happening? Why has it stopped? I'm ready, he needs to come out now, I thought. My intuition told me to rest but a blog post I found suggested trying a hot shower so I ignored my intuition and went for a shower hoping it would kick the labour back into gear... I had my hands on my belly and I spoke to my baby asking him to turn around so that the back pain would ease off. But the combination of him moving and me attempting to shower to get the labour started created the situation of him getting stuck, at least that's how it felt. His head nudging against my sacrum, the most excruciating pain I've ever experienced, and it got to the point I just couldn't bare it any longer. The labour didn't appear to be progressing and I was in such pain... It was time to go to the hospital.
I sat on the edge of the bed, slumped, head down, crying. I felt absolutely defeated. I blamed myself for not being strong enough. I blamed the Angels for not helping me. I blamed the midwives for their poor treatment of me. And then I surrendered. I asked the angels to take care of us and Liam took me to the hospital.
The contractions started back up but the back pain was so excruciating I could barely feel the contractions in comparison. They gave me a heat pack and the gas for pain but it helped very little. I squeezed Liam's hand so tight with each contraction, moaning, groaning, and at times screaming. I barely had time for a single breath in between contractions, they were almost on top of each other, the intensity grew and grew. I was in complete distress, and of course I was, I was exactly where I didn't want to be. In addition I had a doctor who lacked bedside manner and compassion, a lady who didn't care about me or my needs, only about what she felt was right. It's as if she thought by me coming into the hospital, my body belonged to her and she was going to do what she wanted or she wouldn't help me. This woman violated my body, she was rude, invasive, and out of line, I felt physically violated and abused by this woman.
Through my breathwork training I knew how to surrender to my body and allow trauma to move through me so that it wasn't stored. I felt my body tremor so hard as the intensity of the situation and the trauma I was experiencing moved through my physical body, all I could do was allow and trust that I was taken care of, my baby and I were safe, this was all temporary, my baby would be here soon, I knew we were okay.
Eventually the doctor came back and told me we had to move to emergency C-section. I wasn't surprised. I wasn't thrilled but I had a feeling it could end up this way if I went into hospital but I knew that I had the tools to heal any trauma, any physical and emotional wounds that came from this experience. I knew that anything my baby experienced I could support him through with the tools I had acquired over the years. One of those tools was Reiki.
I knew I had the tools and the ability to heal myself and my baby.
I remember when that horrible doctor put the catheter in, I remember having the oxygen mask over my face, screaming louder than I have ever screamed in my life, it was the most intense experience of my life. It was hard, the hardest thing I've ever done. For months after I felt weak, defeated, traumatised, angry, hurt, violated. It's only now I realise just how STRONG, RESILIENT, AND POWERFUL I TRULY AM.
I've said it before, and I will say it again... It's those challenging experiences, the hardships we endure that give us the greatest lessons, that show us our innate power.
My birth story may sound traumatic to you, it may sound sad, perhaps it makes you feel bad for me, angry, may be it triggers emotions from a similar experience in your life. All is okay, all is welcome.
But know this experience is exactly what it was meant to be. Doesn't make it right, doesn't make it okay. But it is exactly what it was meant to be... Because that is what happened.
I'm still feeling hurt, I'm still feeling disappointed. But I no longer feel weak. I have accepted that this is my birth story. But it doesn't end there...
When I awoke from the anaesthetic, I awoke to the most beautiful baby boy beside me.
It was the single most MAGICAL experience of my life. He's here, he's finally here. They wheeled us both back to my room and I held my baby in my arms and it was just pure magic. He's here... in my arms... safe and sound. What more could I ask for. Thank you Angels.
I haven't wanted to share my story until now. Why? Because I was embarrassed, because it didn't go to plan, I felt like a failure, I felt defeated, ashamed, and guilty. And I'm here today sharing this story with you because maybe it will help others to share theirs, to heal through sharing their story. To know you're not alone and neither am I. Through community we heal, we support one another, and we grow together.
I feel the Angels presence with me everyday, I feel my guides around me, I know the Universe has my back, Mother Earth supports me everyday, I feel the abundance of love all around me.
Angelic Reiki got me through the hardest, most challenging and painful experience of my life. I am forever grateful.
Angelic reiki continues to support my healing from my birth.
Angelic Reiki nurtures and nourishes me physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
I always feel guided, supported, and grounded.
I'm still riding the emotional rollercoaster but I am able to surrender to the emotions, to feel them, to express them, to be with them, to love them, to move through them,
And I know how to return home, how to return to centre, how to come back to me.
What a ride! What a journey! An incredible adventure that keeps on giving. Thank you.
No it wasn't my "ideal" birth but I have been given so many gifts through this experience, and one of those being the most PERFECT baby boy!
Join our Pyaar Tribe facebook group and share your story!
Does my story resonate with you?
Does my story ignite anything within you? Bring anything to the surface?
What have you done to assist in your post birth healing?
What does your postpartum care look like?
And anything else, please share!
We are in this together, we are community, you and me. I love you, thank you for being here, thank you for listening to my story.
Work With Me
Angelic Reiki
Angelic Reiki is a healing modality where the Practitioner connects with the Angelic Realms, calling upon Angelic beings to bring through the highest forms of healing to people, animals and the planet. This incredible modality offers a down pouring of soul energy, which allows the recipient to raise and expand their consciousness. Clients experience deep relaxation and a loving, nurturing presence as the Angelic beings work with them and through them, offering exactly what you are ready for. Each Angelic Reiki healing will continue for up to 30 days, allowing you to flow through life with more ease.
Online & In person sessions
30 minutes | $55
60 minutes | $90
Email me to book an appointment