There is No Wrong Time, Now is the Only Time
Learning to trust that what is here right now is exactly what is meant to be here right now…
Do you ever make a decision and then start to doubt yourself and you hear yourself saying, “It just isn’t the right time” and you talk yourself out of your decision…
Or do you ever sign up for something, like a workshop, with all these beautiful ideas of how it will be and then you attend the said workshop and it’s nothing like what you thought it would be like and so you start to tell yourself “Oh it just wasn’t the right time for me” and you try to justify why you had said experience instead of what you had hoped for…
Are you ever drawn to something that sounds really amazing, life changing even, and before you can even consider if it’s right for you, you hear yourself saying “Oh it’s just not the right time” and you continue to think or speak all the reasons why it’s not the right time until you truly believe it to be true…
Hmmm… Isn’t that interesting???
Let’s take a moment and get curious about this…
Is it possible that if something is showing up in your life, that means it is in fact the perfect time for it to show up?
Is it possible that what is showing up is here to serve you on the greatest level of growth, healing and expansion?
This isn’t to say that a workshop or course pops up on social media and it means YOU MUST SIGN UP.. This is not what I am saying..
What I am inviting, is for you to notice when you go into the self talk of “It’s not the right time” and to get curious about what is beneath that, what is this revealing to you, is it an objection, an avoidance to go within, to go deeper and to get curious about what is actually coming up for you…
Perhaps what has popped into your reality is exactly what you need right now
Maybe the experience that you had was exactly the experience you needed right now for your highest good, growth and expansion
Is this a possibility???
Over the last year and a half I have guided and supported over 1500 clients to journey within and use their breath has a way to heal, resolve deep pain and trauma and reconnect to their authentic self.
There have been a number of clients that have shared “Oh maybe it wasn’t the right time and that’s why I had this experience”, or “It sounds great but it’s not the right time”
Perhaps this is true… Or perhaps there is a subconscious avoidance strategy at play
Bringing awareness to hidden pain, trauma and suppressed emotions can be incredibly intense, overwhelming and scary. I know this all too well. My journey of healing my own pain and trauma has been brutal at times and euphoric at other times.
But I know with all my being, everything was at the divinely RIGHT time!
I stumbled into my first breath session, unaware of what I had signed up for, this I know was divinely guided, challenging and not the experience I had consciously signed up for but it was exactly what I needed to direct me on my true path toward my true purpose.
Everything is happening for you!
Invitation to get curious about your experience and how you are feeling.
When you hold unresolved energy and emotions inside of you, you tend to be quite disconnected from your true self and you can be running on autopilot, your subconscious, your survival brain can be directly your life and your emotions.
This part of you is always on the lookout for threats and it may percieve something that is helpful for you to move forwards into your full potential as a threat because it usually means you will have to feel what’s being held inside which can be painful and scary.
Through feeling and expressing we heal and we begin to move forwards.
Through connecting with your body’s sensations you begin to reconnect to yourself and create safety within yourself. You start to notice what messages are coming through, what in your life triggers you and through awareness you can begin to consciously respond rather than react and become overwhelmed by triggers.
Felt Sensation Practice
Stop what you’re doing and close your eyes
Take three slow deep breaths, inhale for 4 counts, exhale for 6-8 counts
Scan your body from head to toe, slowly
What sensations do you notice?
What do you feel, see, hear, smell, sense
What textures do you notice?
Is there any pressure, constriction, tension?
Is there areas that are lighter, freer, calmer
Are there colours?
Do any emotions arise for you? Where in the body do you feel these emotions? Whatphysical snsations are in this space?
If you feel overwhelmed or the experience gets too intense, slow down your breath, take full belly breaths with a longer exhale and bring your awareness to your feet and the ground beneath you. Send the overwhelming energy out of your feet into the earth, see it, feel it, sense it leaving your body.
Continue to hold space and notice what is here for you.
Come out when you’re ready and take some time to journal about your experience.
When you hear yourself saying “It’s not the right time”, “I’m not sure if this is the right time”, “I don’t know if this is right for me”
I invite you to do the practice above and then ask yourself “Is this right for me right now?”
Listen to the answer that comes from within.