The more we try to force something, the harder, longer, and more painful the process is.

So I was sitting on the toilet and I had this message come through… 😂

The more we try to force something (whether on the toilet or in life 😂)

The harder and longer, and often more painful the process is.

This reminded me of birth… When I was in the pushing phase of birth, it wasn’t me doing the pushing, in fact I wasn’t meant to do anything other than surrendering to what was going to happen whether I wanted it or not.

When the pushing was happening, nothing else existed other than the sensation of the push.

It was wild.

And the more I got out of the way, the easier the experience was, the more natural it felt, the more I could trust in the process.

This baby was coming and the experience of it could be painful or pleasurable, and felt smoother the more I allowed, the more I surrendered and got out of the way.

This makes me think about life and how we resist so much of it, how we try to force and control it…

this causes so much pain and suffering, and it doesn’t actually get us to where we desire to be any faster or sometimes at all…

What you resist persists.

For example an emotion or an experience, the more you resist it the more it keeps knocking at your door until you finally allow it or it bursts out.

With birth, the baby is coming, it has to come out one way or another, we can’t stop that.

Same as our emotions, they must come out, they must be expressed.

It’s through allowing, surrendering, welcoming the emotion, sensation, experience, that you will experience more ease, flow, joy and pleasure.

And what I have seen and experienced when we try to force something it often goes a completely different way than we desire and the thing we say we want often doesn’t happen

Until… You let go.

When you surrender, you open up and allow what you desire to flow to you.

But what we often do is resist our feelings, push away the goodness, “self-sabotage” or what I like to call “self-protect”, and we make life more challenging, tumultuous and painful than it needs to be.

We make it harder for ourselves and blame the external world for it, giving away our power.

Surrender is an art.
It takes practice and it takes time.

It will require you to do the internal work around any fears you have with surrender and with what I have spoken about in this post.

Many people are housing an incredible amount of fear in their bodies and are completely unaware of just how much they are fearing and how much that is dictating their life.

By making the unconscious conscious you will reclaim your power and can have the most magnificent human experience.

If you’re ready to delve deeper, check out my podcast The Good Girl Unleashed

If you’re curious about working/journeying together, send me a message and let’s chat.

Much love


Intimacy starts outside of the bedroom


Addicted To Familiar Emotional States, Self-Abandoning, Personal Boundaries, Expressing Yourself