The Good Girl Unleashed



If you told me 3 years ago, 1 year ago or even 6 months ago this is where I’d be, I would have said “GET OUT OF TOWN!!”.. Actually I probably would have just smirked and shrugged it off..

Hoping that you were telling the truth but heavy with self-doubt and disbelief.

The high achiever in me keeps me reaching for new highs, achievements, goals and desires, keeps me getting back up and trying again and again.

The perfectionist in me stirs up the anxiety, fear and panic and prevents me from taking action for the fear of getting something wrong runs so deep and so strong!

The unworthiness wound says that I’m not good enough, what I have to share isn’t worth hearing and no one will want what I have to offer..

The inner child fears that I will be judged, misunderstood and laughed in my face.


The true authentic me knows that I have what it takes to face my fears, to share my story, to be vulnerable and to live my wildest dreams.

My true self knows that what I have to share will serve and support so many others to feel safe to share their story,

To finally allow ourselves to be seen and heard and to be reminded that we are never alone!

We all have all different wounds, hurts and fears, it’s part of this human experience.. But what matters is what you choose do with it..

Will you use them as the reason for holding yourself back from your dreams or will you lean into them and use them as a way to propel you forwards and realise just how strong, courageous and powerful you are and always have been…

As I continue to heal and hold space for all the different parts of myself I grow stronger and my true self shines through more and more.

I can now hold space for all the different emotions I experience and tune in to know what’s true, what’s a fear or wound, what is here that is wanting to be seen, heard, felt, held…

This is what I have been doing on an even DEEPER level this year!

I set my intention in January to receive greater awareness on my deepest wounds, to heal and release them.

This has brought up A LOT to say the least… But it has been so incredibly healing and has allowed me to arrive in this moment here and now…

And so after much “procrastination” or more accurately after much time allowing myself to feel and be with deep internal wounds, emotions, fears and excitement, holding space for my own healing…

I am now ready to share my story on a WHOLE NOTHER LEVEL!!!


The Good Girl Unleashed is where I will be sharing with you my journey and how I navigated through the toughest times of life, healed my deepest wounds and transformed my life…

The theme being personal growth, healing and transformation.

With love, Mon xx


What your external world is revealing about your inner world..


Back to your old self again?