Self-reflection is a MUST for your well-being
Self-reflection and contemplation supports your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health and well-being, in this blog post I share with you the importance of making reflection, contemplation and intention setting a priority in your life and how it can actually be incredibly life changing!
“Without self reflection, we often get stuck - in jobs, relationships, living situations, mental and emotional states, physical pain, and more…” - Monique
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As we complete each month, I feel called into self-reflection…
What occurred for me that month, what did I experience, how did I feel
What was going on for me, what can I celebrate, what challenges did I meet, how did I navigate those challenges
What triggered me, did I get caught up in limiting beliefs, stories and what can I do to move through those stories and beliefs and do I desire to change them
Were there any emotions suppressed and can I take the space to go within and feel them now
How am I feeling in this moment, what do I need to support myself
As we begin a new month, I feel called into contemplation…
What is my intention for this month, what am I ready to feel, experience, move through, receive, release, work on
What matters to me, where do I want to focus my energy, what are my priorities for this month and is there anything I need to let go of so I can focus on what really matters
Where do I want to be physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, what needs to shift in order to create space for this
What can I be grateful for now, how much more love, compassion, acceptance, appreciation can I bring into my being now
Who in my life do I feel called to reach out to and acknowledge and express my appreciation for
What is one thing I can commit to doing everyday for myself
What do I need to support myself through this month?
These are some of things I will reflect on and contemplate regularly to support my healing, growth, presence, expansion and well-being
It allows me to see areas where I am experiencing challenge and open up to divine guidance and support, it gives me the opportunity to celebrate myself, my wins, my growth, it brings me into presence where I can experience inner calm, gratitude and acknowledge those in my life
It brings greater awareness and a deep remembrance of why I am here, why I am doing what I’m doing, what I would like to move through, towards, or achieve, it re-centres me and brings me back to focus on what’s important in this moment
It gives me space to see where I have made mistakes, or areas where things maybe didn’t go the best where I can bring in more compassion and kindness and look at new ways to navigate those situations, what could I do differently, how could I navigate this more effectively or with more presence and compassion for all involved
I also bring acknowledgement to any suppressed emotions so I can take the time and space to release that which I do not wish to carry with me, creating space for new experiences
Self reflection and intention setting are very important to me and maybe they are to you as well, or maybe you’re unsure of what’s even the point…
Maybe you feel it’s important but it’s not made priority in your life or it continues to slip your mind
Whatever the case, that’s completely all good!
There’s no need to shame or wrong yourself or anyone else, this message is to bring awareness to how these simple practices can support you and improve your life, relationships and well-being.
Many of us are walking around with a full tank of stuff, there’s no room for anything else
Any other emotions, new experiences, new thought processes, innovative ideas, creativity, passion, joy, ideas, imagination
You may find yourself getting triggered a lot or feel like you often over react in tough situations or conversations
You may be really irritable, stressed, experience a lot of physical tension
You may notice your relationships suffering, your work performance dropping or even begin to despise people in your life or your work
A desire to get away from it all, it’s just too much
Self reflection is time and space for you to decompress to bring awareness to what you need to support yourself in life,
To acknowledge where your needs aren’t being met and what needs to change
To feel into what is no longer in alignment for you so you can make the necessary changes
To feel into what IS in alignment for you, what feels good, and make those a priority
When you reflect on how you feel about different areas of your life, you can see what you love about those things and appreciate them more and appreciate the people in your life, the things that don’t feel good you can make changes, set boundaries or do what needs to be done for the betterment of those parts
Without self reflection, we often get stuck.
Stuck in jobs or careers we hate
Stuck in a relationship that isn’t fulfilling
Stuck in a situation, replaying the same situation, experience or conversation with no progression
Experiencing anxiety, depression, stress, physical pain and tension
Maybe you’re stuck living in a house, suburb, state or country you no longer resonate with, you know in your heart, in your gut that it’s time to move on but you just feel stuck, trapped, like you don’t have the choice to leave.
Self reflection gives you the space you need to discover who you are, to acknowledge your growth and how you have evolved over time, some things no longer resonate as they did a month ago, a year ago, 10 years ago, this is natural as we are continuously growing and evolving
“If you’re not growing, you’re dying”
But often we stay in these situations out of comfort and fear.
Self reflection can help you process what your thinking and feeling and move through the fears so you can live your best, most aligned life now.
If you find the practice of self-reflection challenging, you can find someone you feel safe with to hold space for you as you speak aloud your thoughts and feelings. Ask them to not interrupt but just hold space in presence and silence while you navigate your own process.
If you do not have anyone to support you through this, I offer 1:1 coaching sessions to support this process, if you’d like to discuss more about working together, reach out via email
Moving on to contemplation…
Contemplation allows you to open up your mind to what’s truly possible
Often we get stuck because we don’t think there’s another way, another option and so we stay with what we know
We stay miserable.
But there’s ALWAYS another option, always.
Many, many other options
You just need to open your mind just a little to the possibility of their being another way
You can do this by saying aloud “I am open to the possibility that there is another option” you can switch the word option with something that resonates for you.
Repeat this affirmation multiple times a day.
Through contemplation you tap into other parts of your brain and of your being,
You open up to imagination that allows you to explore your options
And as you explore notice how you feel
As new ideas flow in, do they feel good, bad, silly, ridiculous, unrealistic, crazy, wild, adventurous, creative, passionate, aligned…
How do you feel physically in your body… contracted, expansive, open, fearful, is their tension, or relaxation, excitement…
Visualise the ideal situation, relationship, career, lifestyle, living situation
See it, feel it, sense it in as much detail as you can
Feel into what your goal or intention is for yourself at the beginning of each month, you could even set intentions for the week or the day or the conversation you’re about to have
Intention setting is incredibly powerful, it is how we ask for what we want or what we feel ready for, to allow divine guidance, support and synchronicities to flow through into our life and being to support us in moving through or toward our intention.
Once you’re clear on your intention, here are some further questions to ask yourself
Close your eyes, take 3 deep breaths into your belly and heart and ask, is this my true intention or is there something deeper?
This supports you in getting clearer on your true intention for this month.
Ask yourself what needs to happen now in order to take the next step toward this goal or intention
Not the next 100 steps, we often set goals that are soooo far ahead it can be overwhelming thinking of all the things you need to do, resulting in giving up on the goal before you even began working toward it.
What’s the first step for you
Who do you need to become
What do you need to let go of
What has stopped you in the past
What do you need to support yourself through this
Is there someone that can offer you additional support
How will achieving this goal/intention feel? What emotions, physical sensations would you be experiencing?
Close your eyes and allow yourself to feel it now!
If you do not know what you want or what you need and you’re getting stuck with this practice, you may need support emptying the tank.
Feeling suppressed emotions, releasing limiting beliefs and stories about yourself, others or the world.
There may be fears that are blocking you
This is where the inner work comes in, where you need to begin emptying the tank to create space for the new ideas, experiences and such to come through
If you need support with this, I offer 1:1 coaching, learn more here
Further resources below
With love,
Monique xx
The Good Girl Unleashed Podcast by Monique Carmela
From being the conditioned, watered down version of myself and trying to fit into the perfect little ”Good” girl box, playing small and hiding away to BREAKING FREE and finding my way home to me.. the real me.
I now live unconventionally, authentically and unapologetically, supporting others to do the same. On my podcast I share with you tools, tips, insights, wisdom, practices and MORE to support you on your journey to living authentically you.