Jumping in with both feet.
~ Goodbye to procrastination.. Hello adventure!!
What a year it’s been already! I knew this was going to be an incredible year, I claimed this year to be my year! But wowee I did not see this coming!
Starting the year off with the ending of a relationship was difficult, moving through waves of emotion. Desperately trying to stay positive and stay on track with all my plans and actions. Constantly feeling overwhelmed and underachieving.
I couldn’t seem to stay focused, things seemed to just be going wrong again and again.. my phone was stolen, I didn’t get the apartment I wanted, feeling rejected and alone. Getting nowhere fast.
I was excited that I had 10 days away in Hunter Valley and Gold Coast, a chance to get away, to remove myself from the chaos and see a new perspective. On the day I was scheduled to fly out I received an email notification that my flight had been cancelled and rescheduled for the following day at 3pm!! I was devastated I needed to be there by 2pm latest which didn’t look like it was possible. In between massaging clients at work I was calling the airlines trying to find another flight, nothing was available. My only choice being requesting a refund and booking a new flight which cost almost the same amount as all my flights combined. I was pissed. I almost cancelled the whole trip, it was too overwhelmin, when my boss came into work and offered to lend me the money for the new flight. I took it as a sign from the Universe, I have to be at that seminar.
I arrived in Sydney at 6.30am, I spent the first couple of hours writing while I awaited Zac’s arrival. We left our bags at the airport and ventured into the city for lunch and cocktails, giving us time to catch up and to unload.
Getting back to the airport just in the nic of time to get our 2pm shuttle to Hunter Valley for Roy McDonald’s Life Magic Seminar, and off we went. What followed would be astounding, an unexpected life changing experience.
The seminar beautifully combined spirituality with strategies on creating multiple income streams. The way of the enlightened millionaire. Opening my mind to the limiting beliefs I still held onto while also showing me how much I have grown over the past year. Pushing me out of comfort zone while still holding a safe supportive space for all to learn, to cry, and to laugh. The room was full of beautiful energy, I felt it all, I was so open to receiving, to giving, to holding space for others, it was a truly magical experience... I suppose that’s why they call it Life Magic.
I’ve attended seminars and events in the past focusing on business, personal growth and spirituality, but none like this. But without the previous work I have done I may not have been able to be as open to this experience. All of the steps I took leading up to this moment was perfect, its as if I finally was able to see the purpose of my mistakes, misfortunes, opportunitie, blessings, I could see the purpose in each step that led me to this very moment in time. It all made sense. I felt enlightened.
Ideas filled my being. Things I wanted to do, things I wanted to achieve, action plans, motivation, determination filled my entire being. I felt love and acceptance and I knew I had everything I needed within me right then and there. Now is my time and here I am.
The following week I spent in Gold Coast, spending my days in the sun. Giving myself some much needed TLC. Putting my worries aside, I noticed such a shift in my mindset, in how I viewed myself and my reality. I had been lifted out of the chaos to a place I could see clearly. It was incredible. I had plans for the upcoming year and I was ready to get stuck into making it all happen.
A week after arriving home I had my follow up call with Roy, we spoke of my plans, of what I wanted to do within One Life and what I felt about the seminar. After about 20 minutes Roy says, “You know what I would do if I was you? I’d move to Gold Coast. What I can help you achieve in one year over here would take me about 5 if you’re in Perth.”
I was stunned. This was another test given to me, that’s what this entire year has been so far. One test after another after another. After some contemplation, once I had calmed down from the shock, I made my decision.. I’m moving to Gold Coast.
Craaaazy!! You never know what’s around the corner. That call was 9 days ago. Each day after the call I made steps into the direction of this big move. On Friday of last week I booked my one-way ticket. It’s decided. No going back. I’ve made the job with both feet. No more one foot in, one foot out, I’m in this 100%. Here we go...
What is it that you really want to do? What is calling to you? Calling for action?
Take the leap now! Stop procrastinating! Start living the life you want to live TODAY! Life keeps moving, will you move with it? Or will you be left behind...