Trust the journey.
Trust the journey, and allow The Divine to guide you.
I've been living in in the Gold Coast for four and a half weeks now. Its been absolutely amazing!!
Moving across the country was scary to even think about before taking that leap of faith and trusting myself to know that this is exactly where I'm meant to be. There's still the ups and downs no matter where you are but when you know something's right for you, you just know.
The first week was a little interesting, the first day I arrived with little sleep, dropped off my baggage and headed to an interview where i struggled to keep my eyes open. Followed by a second meeting with a friend who offered me a position with her. That weekend I was invited to the Isagenix Celebration ANZ weekend, which was incredible! Come Monday morning and I started my new job, on my way to a new destination, and a new life.
Its almost been non stop since I've been here. I was working most days, although it did not feel like the typical job, it definitely wasn't typical. I was working with a good friend of mine who had my best interest at heart. We were doing all sorts, I was helping her with home life and with her real estate business. Everyday held new experiences, and was different from the last, fulfilling my need for variety. Feeling truly appreciated is a rare thing, but for me it was becoming more and more regular in my work and home life.
After only a couple weeks on the Gold Coast, I was off to Hunter Valley for another business seminar. It wasn't what I expected or what I was looking for. But that's life sometimes, you don't always get what you want but sometimes what you need. For me what I needed was solitude, time to connect with Mother Earth, a break from technology, to embrace the emotions I could feel being more and more suppressed. So I wanted business tips, advice, knowledge and instead I was given the opportunity to dive within myself and explore what I was ignoring. I could feel the resistance all weekend but I believe everything happens in divine perfection, it happened exactly as it was meant to. There were points when I would beat myself up for not doing right, for not being more open, more this and that. But it all had its reasons, and I got exactly what I needed, these things can't be rushed. Patience is key. I was able to use this weekend to heal parts of myself and to let go of things I was holding on to from the past. Learn to accept the unexpected and to roll with it, allow your path to unfold before your very eyes, it's incredibly magical when you surrender to the Universe, and trust that the Universe has your back every step of the way.
Heading back to the Gold Coast, looking forward to getting back to work, back to my chosen reality. After a few days I could feel there was still more work to be done, as there always is. It worked out that Carly gave me Friday off, which meant I had three days off to do what I pleased. On the Friday I decided to go the Empowered Womens Psychic Expo in Southport QLD. I decided the day was all about me and I would spare no expense. First up I had a thirty minute reflexology treatment, which I had been wanting for months. It was great, relaxing, and slightly emotional bringing up feelings that needed to be released. The lady was quite intuitive and could feel the guards around my heart, expressing the need for me to let those go in order to experience love in the present. I was aware of everything she was saying, some things are easier said than done, but with intention and perseverance I had no doubt I would achieve this in time. I had a browse at the different tables which were offering crystals and other spiritual objects. I purchased a few that stood out for me and then moved over to one of the Psychics. The lady I was intending to go to was busy so I moved along, assessing where I should park myself. Eventually I came to one lady's table, her name Bridget, (Facebook Page: Landscapes Beyond). I asked her a couple questions, what is it you do, is this a natural talent or a learned talent. I feel she could feel my skepticism and reluctance but that I had questions to be answered. I sat down and we started off with fifteen minutes, she asked my name and what I wanted guidance on, I replied relationships and love. It was incredible, I didn't give her anything other than that and the information about myself that she picked up on, my habits, patterns, limiting beliefs and what I wanted. She confirmed that what I had been asking for, for the past month was on its way, but I would need to let my guards around my heart down, and be open to receiving. I ended up doing an extra fifteen minutes focusing on career, and again she gave me the confirmation I was looking for.
The Saturday I went to a workshop by Melissa Melrose called The Breathworks Experience. And experience I DID! Wowee... What a rollercoaster, It was quite overwhelming to begin with, I struggled to maintain the breath, my whole body felt like it had intense pins and needles, my hands and knees were especially intense. My hands were so tight I couldn’t lengthen my fingers and they were turned towards my body, felt like I couldn’t reposition as they’d just move back. I had a heaviness, a blockage that was quite painful located in my solar plexus. I felt tightness in my chest and throat, I would cry then get angry then calm down then get lost in my thoughts and stop breathing completely. Then suddenly something shifted and I surrendered. My hands opened up, the pain in my solar plexus was gone, breathing became easier, and I began to smile. I had warm waves of energy against my lower back, I saw different colours and felt this awesome flow of energy through my entire body. My body felt so high it was vibrating at such a high frequency. It was like the practice allowed me to feel my blockages completely and then after sometime of oxygenating the body from head to toe, the blockages were able to be released and energy could flow naturally. It was incredible. There’s still more work to do but what a break through!! Was exactly what I had been looking for just didn’t know it. And I will 100% be back for the next workshop, I encourage you to search her up on Facebook and see if its something for you to try.
Sunday was my chill day, I took my laptop to The Little Mermaid Cafe, ordered myself and iced caramel latte with coconut milk... YUM! And I spent the morning writing. As the place got busier I was asked to move to a smaller table, I ended up sitting next to a man named Alex. He asked me what I was writing about and that was the start of an interesting conversation. We spoke the same language, we had a laugh, and enjoyed one another's company. Complete strangers, and yet one of the same. It's funny how things work out. The "coincidences" of the world... Are they really coincidences? Or are they purposefully orchestrated by the one and only Universe in which we live? You decide, that's the beauty of this world, you get to decide what is true for you, and what reality you live in. Magical. Just Magical.
My Me Weekend was exactly what I needed, filled with unexpected turns of events, opportunities, release of emotion, exploration, transformation, new connections, and so much learning and growth. The feeling of being in flow, when you know with absolute certainty that the Universe is working for your highest good, helping and guiding you to be the BEST you that you can be... if you let it.
I would love to hear from you. When have you been in flow, where things have worked out for you? When was a time you thought the world was against you, only to find out, it really had your best interest at heart, and the lessons you learned are PRICELESS? What's going on for you right now? Are you down in the dumps or flying high?
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