How to open your heart and embrace vulnerability

This may sound simple, but it can be absolutely terrifying to even think about let alone do…

But it is so important to work towards opening your heart and allowing yourself to embrace your vulnerability.


Because when we are open we are able to receive!

Receive love, compassion, acceptance, abundance, insights, beautiful experiences, beautiful connections, blessings… An open heart will allow you to receive the life you truly desire to be living!

The life you dream about just before you fall asleep, and you wish you were living when you wake up in the morning, the one you wish you could escape to when things get too tough and overwhelming.

But why is it so hard, so scary?
Why is there so much resistance and fear?

Because my love, you were hurt before…

When your heart was the MOST open, you were hurt, let down, disappointed, shut down, rejected, abandoned.. The person you loved most in the world was not able to receive you, see you, hear you because they were so disconnected from themselves from their past hurts and they replay those hurts until they are able to see them, hold them, feel them and heal them.

This is why it is so scary

When you open your heart, all the hurt starts to rise up so you can feel it and heal it.

Through feeling is how we allow for healing.

I know it’s hard, I know it’s scary but what awaits you on the other side is BEYOND your WILDEST dreams! My darling, if only you knew..

I feel as if I am speaking to a younger version of me.. I was once so petrified to open my heart, there was just no way that was EVER going to happen!

The hurt that was buried inside of me was just too much to bear, I didn’t think I would survive the pain.

But now dear one, I tell you that not only did I survive, I have RECEIVED beyond my wildest dreams!

Opening my heart was the key to living a fulfilling, abundant and joyful life that I am genuinely grateful for everyday.

I want to share with you a guided practice to support you in first creating safety, secondly connecting to your heart and nurturing you heart, and thirdly to DREAM BIG!

My hopes is that this practice will support you in getting closer - step by step, no rushing - to opening you heart and feeling safe to embrace vulnerability so that you can create and receive the most beautiful life and blessings.

I would love to hear from you about the practice felt for you, you can share in the comments below or email me.


From surviving to thriving, become the best mumma for YOU & your little ones!


Slowing Down: Allow space to rest and recharge