Slowing Down: Allow space to rest and recharge
How has 2022 been for you?
Do you even know… Or have you been caught up in the ups and downs?
Rather than riding the waves, you’re kind of dipping in and and out, trying to catch enough breath before another wave takes you under…
Life does that sometimes, you’re taken for a ride and it gets super intense and overwhelming and you’re just trying to get the bare minimum done before you completely burn out and your head hits the pillow.
It’s so easy to get stuck in the go go go, all the things you HAVE to do, you barely have time to breathe.
But let me ask you… Is this how you want to be living your life?
My invitation to you this month is to Slooooooow Downnnnnnn my love!
Give yourself permission this month to find space and time to slow down and take care of you. To rest and recharge so you can rebuild your energy.
When you take time to rest and digest, to self-reflect, to nurture yourself, you allow yourself to recharge, increase your energy and productivity with calmness of mind, with ease and grace.
Wouldn’t that be nice???
To take care of you for a change.. To stop beating yourself up for what you didn’t get done and instead flood yourself with love, compassion and permission to slow down and take a load off?
Well my love, this is your permission slip to take a break!!
You might be saying to yourself, this sounds nice, but I don’t have time to slow down and take a break, my never ending to do list just keeps getting longer and longer and even more never ending, if that were even possible…
Slowing down will look different for you!
Maybe you can allow an entire month of slowness, gentleness, taking time off and going away somewhere or cuddling up at home for some self-love
Maybe it’s just a few moments here and there, before you fall asleep and just before you get out of bed
It can be as simple as taking 3 conscious, deep breaths before going to bed and just before you get out of bed…
3 slow, deep breaths where you really feel the inhale, the natural pause, the exhale, the natural pause before inhaling again.
Taking in all the sensations, placing your hand on your heart and saying a few words that you really need to hear, “You’ve got this!”, “You are doing so amazing!”, “You are so beautiful”
Whatever slowing down is for you, tune in and ask yourself..
“How can I slow down this month?”
”How can I nurture myself today?”
”How can I show myself a little extra kindness today?”
When you slow down and learn to shift from activation to rest, you allow your body to repair itself which allows you to have better quality sleep, more energy when you wake up and to move through your day with a sense of calm and ease.
When you are constantly chasing your tail and in high stress mode you experience overwhelm, anxiety, emotional triggers, you never feel like you get enough done, feeling like a failure and eventually you will experience burnout because your not allowing your body to rest and recharge.
You digestion decreases causing health problems, ageing is accelerated, and you lose the zest for life, you may experience shut down and depression because your body just doesn’t have the energy to keep going and so it slams on the break.
And these are just a few ways that the go go go mode can be affecting you.
So you may feel like you don’t have time to slow down or you can’t afford to slow down but I am here to tell you that you can’t afford not to!
Rest is VITAL for you to thrive in life. Rest is what is going to allow you to get all of the things done. Without it you will burnout and it will be hard enough getting out of bed, let alone attacking that to do list.
For myself I have been pushing my personal growth to a whole new level, courses and deep trauma work and healing. Reading book after book after book.
I’m a full time mother and business owner, navigating two whole new worlds and I also have that go go go mentality. I have to do this and this, oh and this and don’t forget about that.
And it’s easy to get taken away and swallowed up by all of the things and get lost, overwhelmed, stressed and to go into shut down mode.
So this month as I felt into the energies of May, slowing down dropped in for me, really taking time to rest, recharge and Honor Your Needs.
Ask yourself…
How can I slow down?
What do I need for me right now?
What is self care for me?
Body, what do you need?
Honor your needs and set them as NON-negotiable.