What shuts down your pleasure and how to AWAKEN and experience more pleasure
“Domestication KILLS female libido” here’s what stood out for me in this incredible podcast episode on This Tantric Life with Layla Martin…
Discovered in scientific studies, within 1-4 years of being in a monogamous relationship and living together a females libido will drop drastically and spontaneously whereas for a man it tends to slowly lower over time.
As I sat with this and contemplated my own experience of this I can definitely see some truth here
Reflecting back I can also see the MANY complexities that contribute to this happening for so many women
After only a year of being in my relationship we found out we were pregnant, this was also in the first lockdown of the covid pandemic
This was incredibly overwhelming, stressful and really scary for me - a contribution to sxxual shut down
When you’re stressed it can be so much harder to relax into a receptive state to be open to connecting intimately
The first trimester of pregnancy, I felt incredibly nauseous, and as I began to gain weight I felt incredibly UNATTRACTIVE, the cultural conditioning around what it means to be beautiful - another shut down
Struggles with advocating for myself, speaking my truth, setting boundaries, asking for what i want, saying no…
The discomfort of expressing myself, another HUGE factor
Eventually my body started saying NO for me, it literally just wouldn’t open, it created armouring that literally took over (thank you divine body for protecting me, your fucking awesome)
Traumatic birth experience - ANOTHER shut down
Feeling unsupported in my birth experience (because i didnt know how to ask for the support i needed at the time) - look at that another shut down
and this is just some of the bigger experiences that stand out.
The immense amount of conditioning we are all exposed to from birth is mind blowing
These ideas and expectations and conditioning around what we have to do or be in order to be loved, accepted, protected, and belong in society is OUTRAGEOUS
And it shuts us down.
Our power, autonomy, sxxuality, pleasure, joy, authenticity, safety… it all gets shut down
And we wonder why we’re just getting through the day
Most of us are living in survival mode, missing out on living a FULL life
I feel so blessed to have been on this path for so many years now and have shedded belief after belief, healed wound after wound and come home to myself more and more and more
I now support other women and couples in this process of embodying their authenticity and FULL expression to re-ignite the love, passion and intimacy
I absolutely LOVE this work, it continues to amaze me as I witness transformation after transformation
Thank you to all the incredible and courageous humans that have said YES to themselves, to this work and trusted in me to support them.
I have opened a few spaces to work with me over 6 months, if this is resonating for you, send me an email :)
This Tantric Life with Layla Martin