Opening Your Heart Opens Your Pleasure

In sxxuality, women’s positive pole is their heart, their negative pole is their sxx centre. What this means is that when your heart is closed it shuts you off from your sxx centre and your FULL SPECTRUM of pleasure

A women’s body is DESIGNED for immense pleasure, it says so in the THOUSANDS of nerve endings located at your sxx centre.

What I have come to know from my own personal experience and from working with hundreds of women over the years in this area, is that we all have layers of armouring and tension around our heart 

This armouring is serving you by trying to protect you from getting hurt but it only causes more harm by stopping your life force energy from flowing, causing blockages and health issues

It prevents you from experiencing, love, connection, joy, and PLEASURE

It dulls the entire human experience.

Your heart is so fucking powerful, it’s beyond belief, and this armouring drastically decreases your power, causing feelings of disempowerment, disconnection, numbness, hardness, tension, anxiety, depression… to name a few.

Over the last decade I have been delving deep into this area, understanding and unravelling my own armouring, studying this phenomenon and learning how to support others in the process.

Over the past few years I have developed my own signature process that I support my clients through that allows them to release this armouring and open their hearts, which in turn opens their pleasure, their aliveness and allows them to ACCESS their pure joy!

Joy is our natural state, this zest for life, this feeling like YES! another day on earth is this divine human body, what a fucking blessing! Thank you!

If you want to learn more about my signature process and working together to open your heart and your pleasure, send me an email

I have a few spaces open to work with me 1:1 over a 6 month period to delve deeper into healing blocks, wounds and limiting beliefs around self love, pleasure and sxxuality…


What shuts down your pleasure and how to AWAKEN and experience more pleasure
