Sound Healing: The Healing Journey
Everything is energy. The chair you're sitting on, the coffee cup you have in your hand, your phone, the sidewalk, the trees, and yes so are you. The things we perceive to be solid are actually just energy vibrating at a slower rate enabling you to utilise the object as if it were a solid object.
And as everything is energy that also means that everything is vibrating, just at different levels of frequency, and as we vibrate we create sound whether we can hear it or not. Each and every part of your body is always vibrating, when the body is healthy each part vibrates in harmony, when it is out of harmony we experience dis-ease. This can be in the form of disease, illness, fatigue, stress, anxiety, pain, muscular tension and other disorders. This is how our body speaks to us, these illnesses and ailments are not here to create inconvenience for you, they're not here to destroy you and your quality of life, rather they are here as messages from your body to wake you up to what's going on within your subconscious mind.
What emotions have you been burying? What traumas have you not dealt with and are stuck in the tissues of your physical body? Have you been ignoring your intuition? Are you in a job, a relationship, or living situation that is completely out of alignment with you? What in your life do you wish you could change? Are you living from a place of obligation, attempting to fill others expectations of you? Are you living out your true passion and purpose? These are just a few questions you can start asking yourself to begin to unravel the true cause of your pain and suffering.
Many of us believe that we have an illness because our mother or father had it and it's just our genes, whilst this may be a contributor it is not the whole story. By believing solely that this is the case we are giving our power away to a circumstance we believe we cannot control. Is that how you really want to live? Constantly giving your power away, feeling like the victim who is doomed to repeat the same patterns as your parents... I believe whilst there is much that we inherit from our parents, grandparents, and ancestors, there is a much bigger reason why, and I believe we have the power to put a stop to the pattern, to free ourselves as well as our children from repeating the same pattern.
But how? Firstly, you need to acknowledge this truth that you DO have the power to change your life, to heal yourself, and to put an end to the suffering. You must take back your power and begin to ascend from this place known as Victimhood.
Secondly, you must take full responsibility for your life and for all that has happened. You truly are the creator of your reality whether you're aware of it or not. When you're not aware of it your subconscious is in the driver's seat making all the decisions, most often creating an unsatisfactory life. When you start to open yourself to the fact that you have always had the innate ability to create your life and have been doing so all along you really give yourself the opportunity to step into the driver's seat and direct your life consciously. This can be a very challenging step, when we look back at our lives and think how could I have possibly created that car accident, the abuse, your business flopping, your divorce, whatever it may be. It's very challenging, some of these events may have been predestined, chosen by our higher selves before embarking on this human journey, for our highest growth and evolution. I believe that the biggest challenges in our lives are what truly shapes us, it's those times we learn our biggest lessons, and how truly strong and resilient we are. We have all chosen to come to earth, to live out this human experience for a reason, we have lessons we have come here to learn to help us grow and evolve. The truly challenging experiences we have gone through may have been in our soul contract as they involved giving us a vital lesson, or perhaps it was a huge wake up call to help you get back on the right track. There's always a reason why we go through what we do. So you have the choice here, to take responsibility for your life and all that has happened and is happening in your current reality, or you can remain in Victimhood and continue to live an unsatisfactory life as your subconscious runs the show. Do you want to just survive or do you want to thrive?
Next, we need to start to understand why we're having these experiences, what's the true underlying cause? This can take time as we unravel one layer there's usually another and another and another. Think of yourself like an onion, peeling back the layers, one at a time. You must have patience and compassion for yourself in this process. As one piece of the puzzle falls into place the puzzle gets a little bigger. The point of this process isn't to rush to the end but to enjoy the journey of the untangling. To experience every moment fully, whether it's painful or complete bliss, being human is to experience it all. You can start this practice by getting a journal and writing anything that comes up as your ask these questions and as you move through your journey noticing when you're feeling triggered and coming into self enquiry asking the question what is causing this and why?
As we peel back the layers, answers will begin to arise, and there may be certain areas you need help with. This can be in the form or therapy, energy work, finding a community you resonate with, attending a course, seminar, reading different books. There is so much out there that is here to help you, simply by quieting the mind and asking the Universe for guidance will help to point you in the right direction.
Energy work will help you to heal trauma, emotional wounds, energetic wounds, encouraging us to release and understand what is causing your suffering. By doing the work mentioned above it will assist in stopping the issue from returning. As I said if your subconscious is still running the show, then any work you do will only give temporary results. Energy workers, e.g. reiki practitioners, massage therapists, chiropractors, sound healers, and countless others, will help you on your journey but they cannot do it all for you, there needs to be personal responsibility and you need to take responsibility for your own life, and for your healing. Energy workers can assist in your healing process, helping, guiding and supporting you as the healing journey can be painful and overwhelming at times. Energy workers can offer you relief and encouragement to keep on keeping on, opening you to higher states of consciousness to uncover deeper insights and healing. I highly recommend finding someone you connect with and feel safe with to help you on your journey, trust that the Universe will guide you to the perfect healer at the perfect time. We are all walking this earth together teaching each other and learning from one another.
Coming back to Sound Healing...
As I mentioned in the beginning we are all energy vibrating all of the time and when you experience illness or physical ailment, emotional turmoil, and so on, it means that there are parts of you that are out of alignment, therefore vibrating at a frequency that is not aligned with the rest of your body and your true self.
Sound healing utilises sound from shamanic medicinal instruments as well as the human voice helping to bring this harmony back to your body, to assist in the healing of any dis-ease/ailment you are experiencing. Sound is truly powerful and has the ability to heal your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic bodies bringing you back into harmonic alignment.
There are so many different instruments that different practitioners will feel intuitively called to use for themselves and their clients, as well as the use of their voice. By working with a Sound Healing practitioner you are able to completely relax and surrender to the medicine, to drop into a deep transcendent state where the healing can occur on a cellular level. Nothing for you to do other than lay back and open yourself to this magical experience. Instruments draw their power from the different hertz frequencies they hold, the octave note, the material they are made from, the colour of the instrument, and the intention that was held by the creator when creating the instrument. A single instrument will offer each individual their own unique experience, insight and healing by intertwining with that individuals unique sound frequency. Your sound frequency is like your fingerprint, completely unique to you, as the instruments are played around and on your body the frequencies dance and flow together creating a new frequency and sound offering you exactly what you need at that time.
Voice is another powerful sound healing tool available to all of us at any time. Chanting and toning can be used to release and transform energetic blocks in the body, certain tones, octaves, and chants are related to each individual chakra and can be used to balance the chakra energy systems. By connecting into your intuition and setting specific intention you can use toning to release pain and tension from the body, it can be used for relaxation, to energise the body and mind, and so much more. Seeking out a sound healing practitioner can help you to learn different ways to use the voice to assist in your healing journey but you can start exploring your voice and practice using this tool at any time.
Benefits of Sound Healing
- Relief from stress and anxiety
- Improved concentration
- Brain hemisphere balancing
- Restoration of equilibrium in the endocrine system
- Relief of sinus congestion and headaches
- Induction of Theta brainwave activity or deep meditation
- Chakra and aura balancing and cleaning
- Heightened access to intuition and higher consciousness, helping you to connect to your higher self
- Space clearing
- Cleanses negative energy and emotions
- Helps to recover after illness, traumas and invasive medical treatments
- Helps to cope with life's challenges
- Cleanses negative energy and emotions
- Increases vital energy flow, creativity, intuition and motivation
- Removes blockages and toxins
- Stimulates endocrine glands and regulates hormonal functioning
- Strengthens immune system
- Soothe, purify and harmonise your emotions and feelings
Learn more about the instruments I work with in my practice here
Sound Bath Ceremony
Incorporating Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls, Chakra Chimes, Shamanic Medicine Drum, Koshi Wind Chimes and Tingsha Cymbal Bells, offering you deep relaxation and healing as the frequencies travel throughout your body, mind, and spirit.
Contact me to find out when our next ceremony will be held.
I hope you found what you were looking for and enjoyed reading what I have to share on this topic. If I can help you in any other way please reach out.
Comment below if you have anything to share about what has helped you on your journey or if you have any further questions.