My partner used to trigger me left, right, and center... Literally!

My partner used to trigger me left, right, and center... Literally!

I often wondered if he was doing it on purpose and I constantly told him things he needed to do, stop doing, and change in order to meet my needs so we could be happy.

But those conversations did not go the way I wanted them to and things continued to play out in a similar fashion ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

I honestly felt like I was hitting my head against a brick wall!!!

My partner and I were in Oamaru, New Zealand for business and I had this LIGHT BULB MOMENT!!!

For most of our time together I had been complaining to him about not being there for me, not supporting me, or showing up for me and our relationship.

I would list all the things I was doing, the ways I was showing up, and how he was not meeting me halfway.

A series of events led me to this moment in Oamaru where I realized I had been projecting onto him all this time!

For years I wasn't able to show up for myself, support myself, and go after my dreams and what I really desired for me and my life.

All the limiting beliefs, wounds, fears, and conditioning of my past prevented me from taking the necessary steps to creating the business I wanted, having the relationship I desired, and more!

I realized in that moment I wasn't angry at my partner for not being there for me... I was angry at myself.

The thing is when you're experiencing a trigger, it is more than just what is happening in the present moment

Triggers are linked to multiple past experiences and emotions that have been buried and left unresolved.

Triggers are revealing to you something incredibly important and LIFE CHANGING...

And we will be diving into this much deeper in this week's live conversation, From Triggered to Deeply Connected, on Thursday 6.30pm.

After this light bulb moment, I expressed this realization to my partner and I felt the reclamation of my power, the integration of past hurts and I connected to a deeper part of myself and my partner

The next day my partner was showing up in ways that I had been desperately wanting for MONTHS!!! Without even having to ask!!!

I am so excited to share this transformative live conversation where I will guide you through my proven process for overcoming triggers in your relationship so that you can create the deeply connected, harmonious relationship you desire!

This is all truly possible for you and I am here to support you every step of the way.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Comment below ๐ŸŒน or send me a DM if you'd like to join me for this live conversation, From Triggered To Deeply Connected

There will be a limited-time replay if you are unable to join live, so get registered today to ensure you get access!

See you there!

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Couples guide to nervous system regulation to support heart-centered communication


โ€œUntil you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.โ€ - Carl Jung


Feeling unsupported in your relationship?