Change your environment... Change your life.
Choose your surroundings wisely. The country, city, suburb, home you live in. The things in your home, the things you carry with you. The people you spend your time with. Where you work, what you drive... It all affects you on a deeper level.
This can be a tricky one, most of the time we don't realise just how much our surroundings are affecting us. We get comfortable being uncomfortable way too easily and then stay out of fear and ignorance. We ignore what's happening, how we are feeling, because it's comfortable, it's what we know. To many of us this uncomfortable state where we remain is better than the unknown, the uncertainty of not knowing what different would feel like... Would it be worse? Would it be better? Best I stay where I am because at least I know what I'm getting... This is insanity. We came here to experience, so let's do exactly that!
Now, take a look around at your surroundings and see what state you have created for yourself, yes the state YOU created, you are in the drivers seat my friend. Where are you currently living? Is it where you'd like to be living? Without letting the egotistic excuses take over just simply acknowledge your surroundings, be aware of your creation without judgement and ridicule. Take a deep breath. From this space of acknowledgment, awareness, and in the action of taking responsibility, real change and transformation can occur. Get excited!
Start jotting down everything you notice about your surroundings, location, living arrangement, are you in a house, apartment, etc, who are you living with, if anyone, pets, type of furniture, are you living in dirt and clutter, or is your home pristine. What do you always carry with you and how, in your pocket, bag, purse, bra... Who do you spend most of your time with? After all, it's said you are a combination of the 5 people you spend most of your time with... Are these people building you up or tearing you down? Encouraging or sabotaging? Living the life you want to live or don't want to live? What about your workplace, do you love or hate it? What about it do you love, what about it do you hate? Do you like the people you work with? Write everything down that comes up.
Its okay if you really don't like what you see, it's okay to be disappointed, frustrated, angry, or overwhelmed... This is the first step and just know you have the power to change it all right now if you wish, it starts with a single decision and your persistence will guarantee it.
So what is this single decision I'm talking about?
Well if you're still reading, chances are there are some things in your life that you are not satisfied with, some things you would like to alter. Well, what are they? What is your ideal life? Where would you be living, where would you be working, who would you be working with, would you be travelling more, are you in a relationship, do you have a family, are you jumping from place to place or settled in your ideal location and home... What things do you own, what are you carrying with you, and how do you FEEL? Visualise all of it, close your eyes and see it so clearly that you can smell the smells, feel all the sensations. Take a few breaths here and sink into this feeling. Open your eyes and write it all down, this will help solidify your vision, as well as give you something to carry with you to remind you of it when you're feeling low and challenged. Hold onto this vision as if your life depended on it... In a way it kind of does.
Make the DECISION that each move you make from here on out will be in dedication, in perseverance of that vision. Now this doesn't mean when you slip up or have a bad day that you beat yourself up for a day or a week or more after. We are human, we make mistakes, we fall down, but it's up to us how soon we pick ourselves up and keep on keeping on. Don't waste time beating yourself up, be compassionate, treat yourself like you are your own best friend... Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and remind yourself that it's all okay and YOU GOT THIS! And keep moving forwards.
Six months ago I made the move from Perth to the Gold Coast, a big move away from all I knew, my family, my friends, work, everything. I knew a few people on the Gold Coast but not many, I had no job security, I had a place to stay with a friend but I knew it was only temporary. I needed the change, I wanted more for myself and I was willing to risk it all to make it happen. I had no savings in my bank, I literally put all my faith into the Universe and waited to see what happened. In Perth I never really felt at home, and the longer I stayed the more dark and heavy it felt, I felt isolated, lost... My decision to move was motivated by the desire for change, the desire for more, it gave me the push I needed to push through my fears, to challenge myself more than ever before, and to prove that I really GOT THIS!
The change in my environment was dramatic and so was everything that followed. Initially I felt f***ing amazing! I was in bliss. I secured some work the day I arrived, I was spending my mornings at the beach, I was in heaven. The weekend I moved here I met my amazing partner, although we didn't jump into it straight away. After about 4 weeks things started to get rocky, I knew it was time to move out of my friends' place. I also knew that my work was getting a little rocky and something wasn't quite right there either. A week after that I somehow managed to get myself evicted, I moved in with my boss and her child which rocked that boat a little too much and she threw me out not once but twice. A couple weeks after that I was jobless and jumping from place to place while I figured out my next move. I then started renting a room that I found off Gumtree, and I got a new job. Things began to settle in those areas while my love life started to heat up, being challenged in that area it was like I just couldn't catch a break. The rollercoaster was at its peak of never ending ups and downs. The important thing I began to take notice of was how I was feeling throughout these changes, and how I picked myself up each time. I knew when things weren't feeling right just before they fell apart... But did they fall apart in a sense of "the world is out to get me" or did they fall apart FOR me? This is a decision you get to make, you can choose to be the victim and see everyone as being out to get you, as your enemies, or you can see these circumstances as opportunities, as if someone is helping you through a maze, bumping you in the perfect direction. Yeah it's hard at times, it can feel so challenging you don't know how you could possibly make it through, but you're here now aren't you? I'm sure you've dealt with times of struggles before now and you some how made it to here, so have faith.
In the last 6 months I have moved 8 times, it's been hectic and so challenging and I feel like I've barely had time to breathe. This year is going so fast I can't believe its August already! In all of those moves I experienced love, bliss, joy, frustration, anger, overwhelm, and anxiety. I noticed when my environment encouraged and motivated me and when it seemed to be tearing me apart, when I lost all motivation and fell into patterns of self-sabotage, Your Environment Influences You More Than You Know. My partner and I have now settled into our new place where we will stay for at least 6 months. When I found this place I had had enough and made the decision to find us a healthy home where we could set up roots for sometime, where we could continue to build our relationship and regain focus in building our businesses. Instantaneously I found our current home and know in my heart this is where we need to be right now. Finally settled and unpacked feeling refreshed, a sense of relief, mixed with excitement and gratitude. Ready to fire up and make incredible things happen!
I share my story as a way to share with you that it's not always going to be easy, and you will have to test different environments to see what best suits you, as well as acknowledge that something may seem right to begin with and then at some point it no longer is. This has happened time and time again to me. The power is in the awareness and in having courage to step up and move when you need to. Move homes, cities, states, friend groups, workplaces, etc when you feel in your heart that it's the right decision. This isn't when you're "running away", running away from a challenging circumstance and ignoring the opportunities to learn and grow. This is when you truly feel you have learnt all you can from your current situation and it is time for a change to open yourself to knew opportunities. Be honest and true to yourself. Change is scary and that's okay, always go at your chosen speed and be compassionate to yourself and others.
You have the power to change your environment right now if you wish.