Embracing Change
Change is the only constant, the only thing that is certain.
Who here likes change???
Change can be a signal that transformation has occurred or is occurring within you.
This means you, my friend, are GROWING! This is incredibly exciting although it’s not always enjoyable.. Am I right?
Do you remember what it was like in childhood when you experienced growing pains? It was excruciating about once the process had come to completion you had all these new things you could do, your energy was revitalized, you felt amazing! Well sometimes maybe, other times you went from one change to another to another and just felt completely overwhelmed… This was me a lot of the time.
Nowadays as soon as i start to feel a decline in my energy, thoughts and emotions, i check-in. I pause, i breathe, i notice, i inquire. I notice the signs that are telling me something is shifting/changing, these signs usually feel like cautiousness, a little fear and uncertainty, sometimes a knot in my stomach, i slow down, it sometimes feels like I’ve hit a wall and my momentum has stopped, sometimes it feels “low vibe”, my energy drops, i get emotional, i feel ungrounded… So you can see this isn’t what I perceive to be a “good time”. HOWEVER…. When i now notice these signs, i STOP because i now know that it’s not my external creating the experience, there is something happening within me, something that is wanting to be seen, heard & felt & so i stop & i go within.
It took some practice (a lot of practice actually) and now what happens for instantaneously as soon as i go within, my whole experience CHANGES, instead of having this scary, uncomfortable, painful experience, i feel a deep inner knowing, a deep connection to myself, a deep calling to be held by the one and only me. I feel excited for the transformation that is occurring, i allow myself to feel all the emotions within, i may cry then laugh, then cry again. I take the time to rest, take off the pressure, this isn’t the time for me to be in my GO GO GO mode, this is time to take care of me. I get curious about what’s going on inside and i simply hold space. I no longer wrong or shame myself or say things like “Oh no I’ve dropped from high vibe to low vibe” or “I’ve failed at something, I did something wrong, it’s because i stopped doing yoga or whatever…”, I no longer try to “fix” it because i now know that i am not broken and never have been and neither are you my friend.
This doesn’t mean that it’s not a challenging experience, that it’s not uncomfortable and sometimes even painful, no… What it means is that rather than preventing, avoiding and resisting my growth and the changes (making it so much more painful & linger so much longer!) i have learned to surrender & trust the process on a deeper level and now my experiences of change, growth and transformation is smoother and shorter. Rather than months or years of depression and anxiety waves, intense highs and lows as i tried to run away from my pain (& growth) i now move through these processes in a matter of minutes, hours, & the big ones sometimes days or weeks. Very rarely is it weeks but when it’s a BIG one it makes sense and i allow that time and space, I no longer rush myself and my process but usually it’s hours or days (I’d take that over months and years.. wouldn’t you?)
So my next question… How can we become friends with change?
YES! I love this haha. Let’s be friends with change, let’s stop wronging or shaming the process, how many of you say stuff like “I’m in a low vibration” and feel horrible, like you’ve done something wrong and now you’re being punished? This was me for quite some time, chasing the high vibrations, doing all the things to maintain that high vibe only to drop and go into overthinking and over analyzing about how it’s my fault!
Well let me be the one to call BULLSHIT!! Excuse my language but seriously, you have done nothing wrong! & i want you to hear me on this. We live in a world of polarity, we experience highs and lows, “good” and “bad, negative and positive, and without one we wouldn’t know the other. We are here to experience ALL that it means to be human and it doesn’t make you bad or wrong for experiencing all of it. You my friend are divine perfection here to have a beautiful experience whether that beautiful experience looks “good” or “bad” it is beautiful.
Okay now that’s out of the way… “Low vibration” is a signal, a message, something within you is wanting to be heard & can be a signal that you are being prepared for or already moving through Change… so GET EXCITED! & Get Curious!
Get Curious Practice
Sit on the ground or chair in an upright position & close your eyes
Take 3 slow deep breaths. Follow the breath. Be present.
Feel your sit bones and/or feet on the ground. Yes! Feel that connection to the ground beneath you, holding you, supporting you.
Notice. What is currently moving through you? What are you feeling?
Use your senses: What do you see, hear, smell, feel, taste - bring in touch if that helps you. Connect with yourself.
Sit with these sensations for some moments, however long feels right for you, at least a 2-3 minutes. Hold space, allow yourself to feel. Stay with your breath. Notice how as you breathe with these sensations allowing them to be there, you start to relax, ever so slightly.. Can you notice the subtleties?
Ask yourself what is the message here? Is there something wanting your attention? Wanting to be heard, seen or felt? Is there a wound coming to the surface to be healed? A belief ready to be released? Space being created for something new to enter your being and world? Some sort of change, growth or transformation occurring? Have you been on the GO GO GO & your body is asking you to slow down and come back to the present? Have you been stuck, stressed, depressed, anxious, angry & your body is asking you to stop and go within, to feel the deeper layers of your being so you can step back into your natural state of being.. peace, love, joy…? What is coming up for you…
Once you have received your answers/insights, take 3 cleansing breaths.. In through the nose, out through the mouth with a sigh or tone. Allow the energies to move through now with your breath and the sound/vibration of your voice. Move these energies now, let them flow!
Gently come back, bring in slow and gentle movements, eventually blink your eyes open. Take some time to journal what came up for you. Drink some water.
Ask yourself.. What do i need to do now to support myself through this transition? Honor yourself and follow through.
This is a practice you can use at anytime whether you’re experiencing times of challenge or maybe life is feeling GREAT and you just want to go in and check-in and see if there’s anything wanting your attention. Often when we feel good we don’t check-in we ride the highs until all of a sudden we crash.. Consistently checking in can prevent the sudden crashes and allow for a much smoother ride.
Want to take this deeper?
Are you ready to take your healing, growth and trasnformation to the NEXT LEVEL?
YES! I knew you wanted more you incredible human! Well let me give it to you!
Join my upcoming 6 week program The Sacred Art of Loving Yourself
In this program, you will:
Reconnect to your true authentic self
Create internal safety allowing you to open up to receive
Learn powerful self-love and deep healing practices
Build the confidence to express yourself authentically and unapologetically
Learn how to set non-negotiable boundaries
Heal your heart and tap into the limitless love within.
Release trauma, stress and suppressed emotions
Heal your inner child, supporting you to move through emotional triggers with more ease.
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