Your voice is sacred..
Your voice is your very own Divine healing instrument at your disposal right here, right now
Your voice is so uniquely designed, no one has a vibration like you do. No one has a voice like yours.
It is so unique, magical and frickin’ POWERFUL
We are conditioned to look outside of ourselves for healing whether that be from medical professionals or intuitive, energy healers, psychics, a friend or family member.. We are constantly looking for someone else to fix us and our problems.
Continuously giving your power away to another in the hopes that have some power that you do not that will solve your problems.
I want to remind you that YOU are your own healer.
You were born with the power, you simply forgot.
Your voice holds so much power and it has been suppressed for far too long.
We are divine, unique, powerful creator beings who deserve to be heard.
It’s your BIRTH RIGHT to be heard.
You are here to EXPRESS, create, experience and feel all that it means to be human.
Part of that experience is feeling your desires, voicing them and calling them into creation.
When you suppress your voice, it causes misalignment and energetic blocks which can lead to dis-ease, disharmony, illness, pain, tension, depression, anxiety, and you can get stuck living a lifeless life (a life where you’re not really living.. you’re surviving, going through the motions)
In my work and offerings, I encourage your voice to come out, slowly and gently, in its own way, in its own time. There’s no rush, just gentle encouragement, compassion and an invitation.
An invitation to give yourself the permission to feel and express.
An invitation to give yourself permission to let your voice be heard.
To let that beautiful vibration flow from your lips, mouth, tongue, throat, heart, belly, root and your entire being.
To let your human SING!
We are conditioned to believe certain sounds are bad, wrong, ugly, out of key, imperfect, embarrassing, shameful
Like if you can’t sing like the stars, don’t sing at all
If you’re not a natural, shut it down
You’re not worthy of being heard, what you have to say isn’t good enough, no one cares, that’s inappropriate, get over yourself, stop being so negative…
the list goes on..
There are so many ways we are shut down and conditioned to keep our beautiful, sacred voices inside.
And others who were also shut down and traumatised continue to act from that place and shut you down even more. Your voice, your light threatens them, it triggers them and brings up their pain. It’s easier for them to shut you down to keep themselves comfortably tucked away and in avoidance.
How dare you step into your power, your light and your voice if it’s gonna bring shit up for someone else, right?
Don’t dare make anyone else uncomfortable by being your authentic self
Gotta move with that status quo that has worked for so many of us…
Worked in the sense of keeping us numb, comfortable, hidden and small.
Well this way of being never sat right for me, it didn’t work for me, I wanted MORE!
More for myself and more for all of humanity…
More of life, more experience, more expression, more sound, more of my voice,
I wanted to hear my voice from so deep within that my whole body and being was vibrating with power, excitement and ecstasy.
To hear my voice and LOVE IT!
I wanted others to hear my voice and be like HOLY SHIT! GIVE ME MORE! Look at her go! Wow!
I wanted those who witnessed me so shut down and afraid to see me shining and CHEER ME ON!
To prove to myself that I could heal these wounds and step into my power and SHINE my light!
And you know what… I FUCKING DID!
And you can to.
I remember how afraid I use to be, how stuck my voice was and in turn how stuck I was. It caused a lot of pain and suffering but I knew I could and would find a way to let my voice out.
When I practice breathwork and use my voice I feel the release of energy, stuckness, blocks, pain, wounds, trauma, anxiety, limitations.
When I guide others in ceremony I feel the release that happens instantaneously when they bring in their voice.
It’s absolutely MAGICAL!
When you let yourself be heard, you take your power back and you tap into the power within you that allows you to heal deep wounds, trauma, release anxiety and stress, heal disease and illness, release tension and pain and connect you with your divinity and authenticity.
And when you heal and release the wounds, limitations and conditioning something even more magical happens…
You step into conscious creation mode.
You have now created the space required to plant new seeds and consciously create your life rather than allowing your conditioned self and pain body to run the show. You jump into the driver’s seat and decide how you want to live your life.
And you use your VOICE to speak your desires into creation.
“Your tongue is a creative force”
In my previous post about language I spoke about how the words you use are co-creating your experience. I highly recommend checking this post out.
Your voice can keep you stuck and in your pain body if used unintentionally, automatically and habitually from the conditioned self.
You are creating whether you realise it or not.
You must heal the wounds and trauma that is stored in your genes, which can be from your experiences in this life as well as what was experienced by the generations before you, this will allow you to create a new story, a new reality, a new life.
A life that is truly aligned with your soul’s desires.
My invitation to you is to notice where you’re holding your voice back.
Without shaming or judging yourself.
Just notice when you feel the urge to say something and you shut it down.
Notice when you’re giving your power away, looking for someone else to “fix” you.
Whilst professionals and healers are amazing to have supporting you, there is a difference in having them support you and take over. You must maintain self responsibility and do the inner work rather than looking for a magical pill, therapy or healers touch to heal you to completion.
The healing journey is a continuous journey. It’s a journey of evolution. We are continuously healing, growing, learning, expanding.
Notice when you get reactive and blurt things out unconsciously.
Notice what triggers you, what wounds are coming up for you.
Explore toning and self massage around the face, jaw, neck and shoulders to support your throat in opening to allow your voice to gently come through.
Bringing awareness to what you currently do in stressful situations will allow you to take your power back. You must see and acknowledge what your coping mechanisms are, where there is pain, wounds and conditioning in order to do something about it.
Once you see it, you can tune in and ask yourself what you need to support yourself through this and heal that part of yourself with loving compassion.
Having support is important for this journey, this may be in the form of a medical professional or spiritual healer or something else that is supportive for you. I just want to clarify this point. When I say don’t give your power away.
Receiving support and guidance from another is really powerful but it’s still up to you to do the work and discern whether what is being shared is true/right for you. Receiving support is different to asking someone else to fix your problem. Healers are supporting the healer within you to awaken. It is a co-creation with your divinity. The healer is working with your inner healer to heal you.
I myself have support in the way of healing and coaching. We are designed to be in community and connection. This is an important part of the journey, realising you do NOT have to do this journey alone.
But what are you doing after a healing/coaching session?
Are you doing the work?
Are you using your voice?
Are you putting what you learn and receive into practice?
Or are you looking for the quick fix, the bandaid?
Are you feeling good after a session and then saying to yourself well I’m better now I don’t have to do the work…
When you feel good is the PERFECT time to do the work, to anchor in that goodness and stack it to create more of it, to strengthen it.
It’s often people will go for a healing, feel good, do nothing and then find themselves back where they were and back they come for another healing and I ask so did you follow the recommendations??? Umm not really, maybe once, I got busy…
This is not about shaming or judging yourself but noticing your patterns so you can decide for yourself if this is how you want to continue or are you ready to try something new?
To close this post I want to invite you to close down your eyes, take a few deep breaths and notice what’s here for you.
What do you feel?
What thoughts do you have?
Is this resonating?
What do you want to do now?
Bring in a little sound from your throat, some toning and allow yourself to feel your own vibration.
Be with that for a few moments.
This is the beginning of an EPIC journey to absolutely LOVING your voice and creating the space for your voice to be truly and deeply heard
To sing out in your own unique, full, RAW, authentic expression.
The world simply can’t wait to hear you!!!
You are divine, loved, seen, heard, welcomed.. All of you is welcome here.
*** Note: When I say sing, I don’t necessarily just mean the typical meaning of singing.. What I mean is letting your voice out fully, authentically and unapologetically in your own way, feeling the power of your voice as you express yourself, your vibration rippling throughout your entire body.
If you need support in finding, embracing and loving your voice, reach out.
For further support, check out my APP - RAW Embodiment
It’s free to join and you will get instant access to my FREE Integrative Healing Toolkit which will support you in healing and finding your voice.
Simply search RAW Embodiment in the APP Store and sign up via the app. You can also access via web browser HERE
Available on Spotify, Google, Apple & Podbean
Check out my podcast for additional support on your journey…
From being the conditioned, watered down version of myself and trying to fit into the perfect little ”Good” girl box, playing small and hiding away to BREAKING FREE and finding my way home to me.. the real me.
I now live unconventionally, authentically and unapologetically, supporting others to do the same. On my podcast I share with you tools, tips, insights, wisdom, practices and MORE to support you on your journey to living authentically you.
Monique Carmela is an intuitive healer and coach, trauma informed breathwork practitioner, sound and energy healer and an eager student of life with a background in remedial massage, fitness and nutrition.
Learn more about Monique here